package com.tapadoo.slacknotifier; import; import; import; import; import jetbrains.buildServer.issueTracker.Issue; import jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.*; import jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.settings.ProjectSettingsManager; import jetbrains.buildServer.users.SUser; import jetbrains.buildServer.users.UserSet; import jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.SelectPrevBuildPolicy; import jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.VcsRoot; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Period; import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatterBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; /** * Created by jasonconnery on 02/03/2014. */ public class SlackServerAdapter extends BuildServerAdapter { private final SBuildServer buildServer; private final SlackConfigProcessor slackConfig; private final ProjectSettingsManager projectSettingsManager; private final ProjectManager projectManager ; private Gson gson ; public SlackServerAdapter(SBuildServer sBuildServer, ProjectManager projectManager, ProjectSettingsManager projectSettingsManager , SlackConfigProcessor configProcessor) { this.projectManager = projectManager ; this.projectSettingsManager = projectSettingsManager ; this.buildServer = sBuildServer ; this.slackConfig = configProcessor ; } public void init() { buildServer.addListener(this); } private Gson getGson() { if( gson == null ) { gson = new GsonBuilder().create() ; } return gson ; } @Override public void buildStarted(SRunningBuild build) { super.buildStarted(build); if( !build.isPersonal() && slackConfig.postStarted() ) { postStartedBuild(build); } } @Override public void buildFinished(SRunningBuild build) { super.buildFinished(build); if( !build.isPersonal() && build.getBuildStatus().isSuccessful() && slackConfig.postSuccessful() ) { processSuccessfulBuild(build); } else if ( !build.isPersonal() && build.getBuildStatus().isFailed() && slackConfig.postFailed() ) { postFailureBuild(build); } else { //TODO - modify in future if we care about other states } } private void postStartedBuild(SRunningBuild build ) { //Could put other into here. Agents maybe? String message = String.format("Project '%s' build started." , build.getFullName()); postToSlack(build, message, true); } private void postFailureBuild(SRunningBuild build ) { String message = ""; PeriodFormatter durationFormatter = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() .printZeroRarelyFirst() .appendHours() .appendSuffix(" hour", " hours") .appendSeparator(" ") .printZeroRarelyLast() .appendMinutes() .appendSuffix(" minute", " minutes") .appendSeparator(" and ") .appendSeconds() .appendSuffix(" second", " seconds") .toFormatter(); Duration buildDuration = new Duration(1000*build.getDuration()); message = String.format("Project '%s' build failed! ( %s )" , build.getFullName() , durationFormatter.print(buildDuration.toPeriod())); postToSlack(build, message, false); } private void processSuccessfulBuild(SRunningBuild build) { String message = ""; PeriodFormatter durationFormatter = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() .printZeroRarelyFirst() .appendHours() .appendSuffix(" hour", " hours") .appendSeparator(" ") .printZeroRarelyLast() .appendMinutes() .appendSuffix(" minute", " minutes") .appendSeparator(" and ") .appendSeconds() .appendSuffix(" second", " seconds") .toFormatter(); Duration buildDuration = new Duration(1000*build.getDuration()); message = String.format("Project '%s' built successfully in %s." , build.getFullName() , durationFormatter.print(buildDuration.toPeriod())); postToSlack(build, message, true); } /** * Post a payload to slack with a message and good/bad color. Committer summary is automatically added as an attachment * @param build the build the message is relating to * @param message main message to include, 'Build X completed...' etc * @param goodColor true for 'good' builds, false for danger. */ private void postToSlack(SRunningBuild build, String message, boolean goodColor) { try{ URL url = new URL(slackConfig.getPostUrl()); SlackProjectSettings projectSettings = (SlackProjectSettings) projectSettingsManager.getSettings(build.getProjectId(),"slackSettings"); if( ! projectSettings.isEnabled() ) { return ; } String iconUrl = projectSettings.getLogoUrl(); if(iconUrl == null || iconUrl.length() < 1 ) { iconUrl = slackConfig.getLogoUrl() ; } String configuredChannel = build.getParametersProvider().get("SLACK_CHANNEL"); String channel = this.slackConfig.getDefaultChannel(); if( configuredChannel != null && configuredChannel.length() > 0 ) { channel = configuredChannel ; } else if( projectSettings != null && projectSettings.getChannel() != null && projectSettings.getChannel().length() > 0 ) { channel = projectSettings.getChannel() ; } UserSet<SUser> committers = build.getCommitters(SelectPrevBuildPolicy.SINCE_LAST_BUILD); StringBuilder committersString = new StringBuilder(); for( SUser committer : committers.getUsers() ) { if( committer != null) { String committerName = committer.getName() ; if( committerName == null || committerName.equals("") ) { committerName = committer.getUsername() ; } if( committerName != null && !committerName.equals("")) { committersString.append(committerName); committersString.append(","); } } } if( committersString.length() > 0 ) { committersString.deleteCharAt(committersString.length()-1); //remove the last , } String commitMsg = committersString.toString(); JsonObject payloadObj = new JsonObject(); payloadObj.addProperty("channel" , channel); payloadObj.addProperty("username" , "TeamCity"); payloadObj.addProperty("text", message); payloadObj.addProperty("icon_url",iconUrl); JsonArray attachmentsObj = new JsonArray(); if( commitMsg.length() > 0 ) { JsonObject attachment = new JsonObject(); attachment.addProperty("fallback", "Changes by"+ commitMsg); attachment.addProperty("color",( goodColor ? "good" : "danger")); JsonArray fields = new JsonArray(); JsonObject field = new JsonObject() ; field.addProperty("title","Changes By"); field.addProperty("value",commitMsg); field.addProperty("short", true); fields.add(field); attachment.add("fields",fields); attachmentsObj.add(attachment); } //Do we have any issues? if( build.isHasRelatedIssues() ) { //We do! Collection<Issue> issues = build.getRelatedIssues(); JsonObject issuesAttachment = new JsonObject(); StringBuilder issueIds = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder clickableIssueIds = new StringBuilder(); for( Issue issue : issues ) { issueIds.append(','); issueIds.append(issue.getId()); clickableIssueIds.append(','); clickableIssueIds.append('<'); clickableIssueIds.append(issue.getUrl()); clickableIssueIds.append('|'); clickableIssueIds.append(issue.getId()); clickableIssueIds.append('>'); } if( issueIds.length() > 0 ) { issueIds.deleteCharAt(0); //delete first ',' } if( clickableIssueIds.length() > 0 ) { clickableIssueIds.deleteCharAt(0); //delete first ',' } issuesAttachment.addProperty("fallback" , "Issues " + issueIds.toString()); //Not sure what color, if any to use for this. For now, leave it the same as the committers one issuesAttachment.addProperty("color",( goodColor ? "good" : "danger")); JsonArray fields = new JsonArray(); JsonObject field = new JsonObject() ; field.addProperty("title","Related Issues"); field.addProperty("value",clickableIssueIds.toString()); field.addProperty("short", true); fields.add(field); issuesAttachment.add("fields", fields); attachmentsObj.add(issuesAttachment); } if( attachmentsObj.size() > 0 ) { payloadObj.add("attachments", attachmentsObj); } HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream()); String payloadJson = getGson().toJson(payloadObj); String bodyContents = "payload=" + payloadJson ; bos.write(bodyContents.getBytes("utf8")); bos.flush(); bos.close(); int serverResponseCode = conn.getResponseCode() ; conn.disconnect(); conn = null ; url = null ; } catch ( MalformedURLException ex ) { } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }